11) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@pedropierluisi
12) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@RepLowenthal
13) MORE grizzly bear mortalities now than last year at this time! GYE grizzly population is at risk. .@sensanders pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq
14) This year looks like will be another record-breaking year of grizzly deaths in Yellowstone area pic.twitter.com/FCt3g28AwB .@jamescrugnale
15) In 2016, MORE grizzly mortalities than 2015, which set all time record. Grizzlies must stay listed! .@jaredpolis pic.twitter.com/pdiTgcV7xX
12) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@RepLowenthal
13) MORE grizzly bear mortalities now than last year at this time! GYE grizzly population is at risk. .@sensanders pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq
14) This year looks like will be another record-breaking year of grizzly deaths in Yellowstone area pic.twitter.com/FCt3g28AwB .@jamescrugnale
15) In 2016, MORE grizzly mortalities than 2015, which set all time record. Grizzlies must stay listed! .@jaredpolis pic.twitter.com/pdiTgcV7xX
17) .@RepRaulGrijalva Yellowstone grizzlies need connectivity with other bears. Won't happen at this rate! 47% dead. pic.twitter.com/nMks6lCreZ
31) Grizzlies one of slowest reproducing mammals. Too many females dying could destroy recovery! .@MartinHeinrich pic.twitter.com/YOVTNOrTOe
32) IGBST data showed substantial decline of ~50 bears in population size from 2014-2015. Don't delist! pic.twitter.com/lI8rE5gqa4 .@maziehirono
33) Record number of Yellowstone grizzlies died last year. 11% of population; this year looks like repeat pic.twitter.com/lI8rE5gqa4 .@kpaxnews
Tweeted ALL. Whew!