2) Connecting Yellowstone grizzlies w/ other populations needed for survival of entire species #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/oEZyieKXAU
3) Dakota Access proves tribes MUST be consulted. .@POTUS pls listen on grizzly delisting! #NoDAPL #ProtectTheSacred pic.twitter.com/w66AUhHebx
6) .@POTUS .@USFWS must consult with the tribes regarding removal of grizzlies from Endangered Species list. #NoDAPL pic.twitter.com/xSHqyE5aat
7) .@directorDanAshe Grizzly #bears are not recovered, should remain protected under the ESA. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/ffjZmRg1nO
7) .@directorDanAshe Grizzly #bears are not recovered, should remain protected under the ESA. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/ffjZmRg1nO
19) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@pedropierluisi
20) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@RepLowenthal
21) MORE grizzly bear mortalities now than last year at this time! GYE grizzly population is at risk. .@sensanders pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq
22) This year looks like will be another record-breaking year of grizzly deaths in Yellowstone area pic.twitter.com/FCt3g28AwB .@jamescrugnale
23) In 2016, MORE grizzly mortalities than 2015, which set all time record. Grizzlies must stay listed! .@jaredpolis pic.twitter.com/pdiTgcV7xX
20) New mortality data alone should cause USFWS to slam on brakes for grizzly bear delisting effort pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq .@RepLowenthal
21) MORE grizzly bear mortalities now than last year at this time! GYE grizzly population is at risk. .@sensanders pic.twitter.com/33anrcGyvq
22) This year looks like will be another record-breaking year of grizzly deaths in Yellowstone area pic.twitter.com/FCt3g28AwB .@jamescrugnale
23) In 2016, MORE grizzly mortalities than 2015, which set all time record. Grizzlies must stay listed! .@jaredpolis pic.twitter.com/pdiTgcV7xX
25) .@RepRaulGrijalva Yellowstone grizzlies need connectivity with other bears. Won't happen at this rate! 47% dead. pic.twitter.com/nMks6lCreZ
39) Grizzlies one of slowest reproducing mammals. Too many females dying could destroy recovery! .@MartinHeinrich pic.twitter.com/YOVTNOrTOe
40) IGBST data showed substantial decline of ~50 bears in population size from 2014-2015. Don't delist! pic.twitter.com/lI8rE5gqa4 .@maziehirono
41) Record number of Yellowstone grizzlies died last year. 11% of population; this year looks like repeat pic.twitter.com/lI8rE5gqa4 .@kpaxnews
51) The man who okay'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPack also leading team on delisting of grizzly bears pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0 .@seattletimes
52) Head of interagency team on grizzlies: "biggest champion of black bears are black bear hunters." Just NO! pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0
53) Mindset of co-chair on grizzly study team: "biggest champion of mountain lions are mountain lion hunters" pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0
54) Co-Chair of Interagency Grizzly Study Team ok'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPack, known for managing predators. pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0
55) Why does the guy who ok'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPAck get to say whether protect grizzlies? .@freespeechtv pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0
56) The man who authorized killing of #ProfanityPeakPack also leading team on delisting of grizzly bears pic.twitter.com/gizaBOOZg0 .@dodo
63) Meet team deciding on grizzly protection: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, oil/gas company pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@EnviroNews
64) Why are these people the decision-makers on removing grizzlies from Endangered Species List? pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@freespeechtv @cnn
65) Meet the folks involved in removing protections for grizzlies: hunters and oil companies. pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@democracynow @latimes
66) Meet team overseeing grizzly delisting: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, energy company pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@MotherJones
67) Meet team overseeing grizzly delisting: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, energy company pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@GloriaDickie
68) Here is the team that gets to decide whether we continue protecting Yellowstone grizzly. pic.twitter.com/eXmmyhC7eH .@mtpublicradio @FLOTUS
69) .@USFWS handpicked peer reviewers then hired oil/gas/mining company to oversee peer review on grizzly delisting! pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
70) Peer review process for grizzly bear delisting reeks of conflicts of interest, political meddling! .@alfranken pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
71) Peer review process for grizzly delisting reeks of conflicts of interest, political meddling! .@SenAugustKing pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
72) How is this ok? Global energy company oversaw peer review for removing grizzly from ESA. .@KCWY13 @timkaine pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
73) Conflict of Interest: 3M acres by Yellowstone open for mining, fracking if grizzly loses protection .@NPRinskeep pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
74) How is this ok? Global energy company oversaw peer review for removing grizzly from ESA .@barbaraboxer @Interior pic.twitter.com/em7XtUuYeX
75) .@USGS played politics to hide info that showed grizzly bear delisting not appropriate .@thinkprogress @vox pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
76) Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team delayed report by months, final report had glaring omissions .@Sen_JoeManchin pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
77) .@USGS delayed annual report, omitted major info bc stats show grizzlies should not be delisted .@freespeechtv pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
78) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly bear report by months, then omit several key statistics? .@HuffingtonPost @EcoWatch pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
79) Politics, not science! .@USGS delayed by months annual grizzly report, omitted critical info. @conservationmag pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
80) Politics, not science, caused .@USGS to delay by months annual grizzly bear report, omit critical info. @UCSUSA pic.twitter.com/EE7JcSwJvx
81) Why oil/gas company, led by ex-Halliburton exec, overseeing peer review on grizzly delisting? .@RepRaulGrijalva pic.twitter.com/8ftKjkP8LM
82) Why is oil/gas company, led by ex-Halliburton exec, overseeing peer review on grizzly delisting? .@karinbrulliard pic.twitter.com/8ftKjkP8LM
83) Energy company has no business overseeing scientific peer review for grizzly delisting .@SenatorCantwell @kgwntv pic.twitter.com/8ftKjkP8LM
84) Energy companies shd not be involved in removing animals from Endangered Species list. Corrupt! .@hillaryclinton pic.twitter.com/8ftKjkP8LM
85) Energy company has no business overseeing scientific peer review for grizzly delisting .@MartinHeinrich @nytimes pic.twitter.com/8ftKjkP8LM
86) Govt agencies delayed annual report by months, final had major omissions. Reeks of political tampering. .@USGS pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
87) .@USGS delayed IGBST annual report by months, final had major omissions. Political tampering!? .@sensanders pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
88) .@USGS delayed grizzly team report by months, final report had major omissions. Political tampering!? .@tomudall pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
89) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @barbaraboxer @POTUS @RepRaulGrijalva pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
90) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @thinkprogress @democracynow @reveal pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
91) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @RepHuffman @RepCartwright @mj_wright1 pic.twitter.com/h94kU4iozk
92) Per FOIA doc, .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting @SecretaryJewell pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
93) FOIA doc reveals .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@Interior pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
94) FOIA doc shows .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@RepLoisCapps pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
95) Whoa! How is this "independent"? Conflict of interest at .@USFWS over grizzly removal from ESA. @nikkiinthehouse pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
96) Yet again, .@USFWS engaging in politics not science. Handpicking peer reviewers=conflict of interest @jaredpolis pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
97) FOIA doc reveals .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@sciam pic.twitter.com/yXulIzGRV6
116) #ClimateChange dealt possible death blow to most important grizzly food -whitebark pine. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/OnZoMkbHYW
117) #ClimateChange has introduced enormous uncertainty to stability of ecosystem for grizzlies. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/OnZoMkbHYW
118) #ClimateChange reason alone to never remove Yellowstone grizzly from Endangered Species list #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/0mEzQCTHcx
119) Past decade was hottest on record for Yellowstone area http://bit.ly/2bd0TEj #DontDelistGrizzlies #climatechange pic.twitter.com/lSp6TPa9eG
120) Milder winters could impact food sources as bears wake early from hibernation #DontDelistGrizzlies #climatechange pic.twitter.com/HdEJVK1ITw
121) Whitebark pine in YNP area nearly gone: No amount of science/management can bring back in lifetime #climatechange pic.twitter.com/OnZoMkbHYW
122) W/ quality of habitat eroding from #climatechange, grizzlies need more #PublicLands to roam. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/GgClwKezkV
123) 80% of the whitebark forest already dead; whitebark pine is 1 of top 4 grizzly food sources #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/FqxXveiRvY
124) Top food source -cutthroat trout- threatened by #ClimateChange, endangering grizz population #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/5H2MC6Z6kL
125) Collapse of key foods (whitebark pine, cutthroat trout) over last few decades=how quickly habitat can deteriorate pic.twitter.com/TqtxPGXLfH
126) Record number of grizzlies dying due to "deteriorating habitat conditions". #climatechange #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/QC9AespQ9d
127) Grizzlies lost key food sources, eating more meat, leads to more conflicts with ranchers, hunters #ClimateChange pic.twitter.com/NES6nJWy2X
128) .@POTUS Grizzlies Threatened by #ClimateChange, Should Remain Protected, Habitat Degraded, Lost Food Sources. pic.twitter.com/nXr2RXyGqb
129) .@SecretaryJewell Grizzly #Bears Threatened by #ClimateChange, Should Remain Protected, Food Sources Decimated. pic.twitter.com/OnZoMkbHYW
130) .@MotherJones Grizzlies have lost key food sources from #ClimateChange, Shuld Stay Protected pic.twitter.com/FqxXveiRvY #DontDelistGrizzlies
131) .@ClimateProgress Collapse of key foods due to #ClimateChange threatens Yellowstone grizzly bear recovery pic.twitter.com/TqtxPGXLfH
132) 74% of mature, cone-producing whitebark stands dead in Yellowstone due to #climatechange. #DontDelistGrizzlies pic.twitter.com/eWbOUIJIxw
133) Mother grizzlies who eat pine nuts have more cubs, better survival rates; 74% of nuts gone due to #climatechange pic.twitter.com/eWbOUIJIxw
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