Thursday, August 4, 2016

USFWS/Dan Ashe Conflict of Interest Call to Action

There are many unsettling ties between the United States Fish & Wildlife Service and trophy hunting entities, such as Safari Club. This call to action seeks to expose those. This action also seeks to highlight director Dan Ashe's various statements regarding hunting and admission, in an email obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, that removing grizzlies from the Endangered Species List is not supported by the best available science.

TWITTER: Here is our new TWEET SHEET on this topic.

FACE BOOK: Please investigate! I am concerned about the conflict of interest apparent in the process of removing Yellowstone area grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list. The Deputy Director charged with working with the tribes, Matt Hogan, is a trophy hunter, a former chief lobbyist for the Safari Club. If grizzlies are delisted, they will be subject to trophy hunting by surrounding states. #DontDelistGrizzlies

Please share leave the comment above on the following Facebook pages: 
(1) your senators*
(2) your member of the House of Representatives*
(6) USFWS Mountain-Prairie Division (where Mr. Hogan is deputy director). 

Where possible, please share one of our photos.

LETTER/EMAIL WRITING:  I am extremely concerned by the conflict of interest in the process to remove grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list. Deputy Director Matt Hogan, who is charged with collaborating with the tribes, is a trophy hunter and former lobbyist for the Safari Club. Grizzly bears will be subject to trophy hunting by Wyoming, Idaho and Montana if removed from the Endangered Species List. Please investigate this obvious conflicts of interest.

Please contact the following individuals, sharing the text above or your own.

(1) your Senators*
(2) your representative*
(6) USFWS Director Dan Ashe: Ph: 1-202-208-3100, 1-202 208-4717, 1-800-344-WILD
twitter: @DirectorDanAshe, @USFWS
USFWS contacts page:

* Find your Senators and representatives by zip code here.

1 comment:

  1. We hate Trophy Hunters and Killing for fun.
    This is what we want:Save Animals ,save the habbitat they are used to stay the Forrests ,the Rivers,the Lands.
