Friday, July 29, 2016

Land Development of Grizzly Habitat Call to Action

Something stinks in the USFWS delisting process for Yellowstone grizzly bears. A top official - Deputy Director Matt Hogan - has ties to a large energy company. An oil & gas services company, whose CEO is a former Halliburton executive, is the "independent" third party overseeing the peer review. Bear Trust International, a powerful group pushing delisting, is sponsored by energy, timber and mining companies. Why? Because removing grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list dramatically loosens restrictions on development of three million acres of land in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Please help us shed light on this massive conflict of interest.

TWITTER: Here is our new tweet sheet on this topic.

FACE BOOK: Please investigate! I am concerned about the conflict of interest apparent in the process of removing Yellowstone area grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list. The Deputy Director charged with working with the tribes, Matt Hogan, is a trophy hunter, a former chief lobbyist for the Safari Club and appears to have ties to a large multinational energy company, which just so happens to be one of Wyoming's largest landowners. Even more concerning, the "independent third party" hired to undertake the peer review is an oil & gas services company, whose CEO is a former Halliburton executive. If grizzlies are delisted, millions of acres will open for energy development, logging, mining and more. Is this why the fossil fuel industry is so heavily involved in the delisting process? #DontDelistGrizzlies

Please share leave the comment above on the following Facebook pages: 
(1) your senators*
(2) your member of the House of Representatives*
(6) USFWS Mountain-Prairie Division (where Mr. Hogan is deputy director). 

Where possible, please share one of our photos.

LETTER/EMAIL WRITING:  I am extremely concerned by the conflict of interest in the process to remove grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list. First, the USFWS has hired an oil & gas services company, Amec Foster and Wheeler, whose CEO is a former Halliburton executive, to oversee the peer review. I cannot understand how such a company is qualified to do peer review or how they are independent, when delisting grizzlies opens up millions of acres of habitat to fossil fuel development, logging and mining. Second, deputy director Matt Hogan, who is charged with collaborating with the tribes, appears to have ties to multinational energy company, Anadarko Petroleum and Gas, coincidentally one of the largest landowner in the state of Wyoming. Please investigate these obvious conflicts of interest.

Please contact the following individuals, sharing the text above or your own.

(1) your Senators*
(2) your representative*

* Find your Senators and representatives by zip code here.

Land Development of Grizzly Habitat Tweet Sheet

1) Removing grizzly #bears from Endangered Species List opens 3M acres to logging, road building #KeepItPublic

2) Why logging companies want Yellowstone area grizzlies off Endangered Species list. #deforestation #KeepItPublic

3) Big industry will gain access to 3M acres of pristine land if Yellowstone grizzlies off Endangered Species list.

4) 3rd party overseeing peer review of grizzly delisting, USFWS deputy director have ties to fossil fuel industry

5) Big Energy's fingerprints all over move to remove Yellowstone grizzlies from Endangered Species List. #fracking

6) Why did .@USFWS appoint oil/gas services company to oversee peer review of grizzly delisting? #KeepItInTheGround

7) .@USFWS hired oil/gas services company (CEO=former Halliburton exec) to oversee peer review for grizzly delisting

8) .@MarkRuffalo #Fracking industry hungry for more #PublicLands; polluting @USFWS Endangered Species Act decisions.

9) .@NRDems: Why oil/gas services company (CEO=former Halliburton exec) overseeing peer review for grizzly delisting

10)  .@RepRaulGrijalva Pls Investigate: Oil/gas services company overseeing @USFWS peer review of grizzly delisting

11) .@nikiinthehouse Conflict of interest rampant at USFWS over grizzly delisting #DontDelistGrizzlies #climatechange

12) .@RepCartwright Conflict of interest at USFWS! Oil/gas services corp overseeing peer review of grizzly delisting

13) @RepHuffman Conflict of interest at USFWS. Oil/gas services company overseeing peer review of grizzly delisting 

14) .@reveal Oil/Gas services company oversees grizzly peer review; USFWS deputy director w/ties to fracking industry

15) .@CNN Oil/Gas services company oversees grizzly peer review; USFWS deputy director w/ties to fracking industry

16) .@pedropierluisi Conflict of interest rampant at USFWS over grizzly bear delisting #DontDelistGrizzlies #fracking

17) .@RepLowenthal Conflict of interest rampant at USFWS over grizzly delisting #DontDelistGrizzlies #climatechange

18) .@RepLowenthal Conflict of interest: Big Energy involved in USFWS plan to remove grizzlies from #ESA.  #fracking

19) .@jaredpolis Oil/Gas services corp oversees grizzly peer review; USFWS deputy director tied to fracking industry.

20) .@RepLoisCapps CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Oil/gas services company overseeing peer review of grizzly bear delisting

21) .@RepDebDingell CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Oil/gas services company overseeing peer review of grizzly bear delisting  

22) .@RepDonBeyer CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Oil/gas services company overseeing .@USFWS peer review of grizzly delisting

23) .@sensanders: Oil/gas services company (CEO=former Halliburton exec) overseeing peer review for grizzly delisting  

24) .@elizabethforma Oil/gas services company (CEO=ex Halliburton exec) overseeing peer review for grizzly delisting 

25) .@SenatorCantwell: CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Oil/gas services company overseeing peer review for grizzly delisting

26) .@RonWyden: Pls investigate. USFWS hired oil/gas services company to oversee peer review for grizzly delisting.

27) .@stabenow CONFLICT OF INTEREST Oil/gas services company overseeing @USFWS peer review of grizzly bear delisting.

28) .@alfranken Oil/Gas services corp oversees grizzly peer review; USFWS deputy director tied to fracking industry.

29) .@Sen_JoeManchin Conflict of interest: Big Energy involved in USFWS plan to remove grizzlies from #ESA. #fracking

30) .@MartinHeinrich Conflict of interest: Big Energy involved in USFWS plan to remove grizzlies from #ESA. #fracking

31) .@maziehirono Conflict of interest: Big Energy involved in USFWS plan to remove grizzlies from #ESA. #fracking

32) .@SenAngusKing CONFLICT OF INTEREST Oil/gas services company overseeing USFWS peer review of grizzly delisting.

33) .@vox @msnbc @nbc Why did .@USFWS appoint oil/gas services company to oversee peer review of grizzly delisting?

34) .@latimes @nytimes Why did .@USFWS appoint oil/gas services company to oversee peer review of grizzly delisting?

35) .@washingtonpost Why did .@USFWS appoint oil/gas services company to oversee peer review of grizzly delisting?

36) 28 mines waiting to become operational upon grizzly bear delisting. #DontDelistGrizzlies

37) .@BearTrust: Founded by trophy hunters, sponsored by fossil fuel/mining companies. #bears #DontDelistGrizzlies

38) .@POTUS Why is Big Energy involved in Yellowstone grizzly bear delisting? Conflict of Interest! #DontDelistGrizzlies

39) .@SecretaryJewell Please listen to Oglala Sioux, investigate conflict of interest in process of delisting grizzlies.

40) .@FLOTUS Major conflicts of interest with Big Energy at @USFWS. This is not the America we want for our kids.

41) .@HillaryClinton This looks bad!! Why is Big Energy involved in removing grizzlies from #ESA?  #DontDelistGrizzlies

42) .@billclinton Why is Big Energy involved in removing Yellowstone grizzly bears from #ESA?   #DontDelistGrizzlies


44) .@kpaxnews Conflict of interest. @USFWS hired oil/gas/mining company to oversee peer review for grizzly delisting.

45) .@missoulian CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Oil/gas, mining company overseeing peer review on grizzly delisting for USFWS 

46) Domestic sheep graze on 1.3million acres of suitable grizzly bear habitat. Grizzlies often killed when eat sheep.

47) CORRUPTION! Mining services corp oversees peer review for grizzly delisting. 28 mining claims in Yellowstone area

Wednesday, July 13, 2016